These values have characterized Ascor from the start and helped establishing this Italian company as a leading business in the animal health and animal nutrition industry, in a continuous effort to meet market requirements and evolution. Ascor shares these principles with Vetoquinol, the large international group it belongs to as a Business Unit, to provide timely, effective and complete solutions aimed at improving the quality of life of animals and of the people who take care of them around the world.
A perfect partner
Ascor – equipped with a manufacturing plant that operates following the GMP standard to manufacture veterinay products, is a wide raging partner at service of the operator on production animal health branch. Health and animal wellness, safety for the consumer as well as productive performances are the main objectives of the 2 business unit lines: Ascor Nutrition (production, sales and distribution of products dedicated to the production and self-production of animal feed) and Ascor Health (production and sales of veterinary medicines), by which Vetoquinol enlarge to the mass therapy an offer that hystorically has placed itself to the world’s top veterinary pharmaceutical company.
Forever innovative
The recipe that, eversince 1969, made Ascor Chimici a top-notch reality on the animal health and animal feed market has never been lost. Technological knowledge, productive solidity, intellectual curiosity, respect of animal health and wellness as well as health of the final consumer: exactly the same characteristic that the new Business unit of Vétoquinol Italia Srl is using to challenge a market in continuous renovation.
Therefore, “chimici” (chemichal) has been deleted, heritage of a paradigm already in crisis due to the recent technical and regulatory scenario (first of all the drastic reduction of the use of antibiotics in normal management of the livestock) and more space to renewal based on tradition, that in Ascor, as always, it rhymes with “technology”.

First of all, the one based on microincapsulation, actual pillar of the products portfolio of the company. The cover of vitamins, additive, amino acid with vegetable fats (both to improve stability, compatibility, or release characteristics and to optimize the protection at ruminal level, as in the case of choline, metionine and nicotic acid, just to give some examples) in fact it constitutes one of the distinguishing marks of the technical identikit of Ascor, marked by an integrated approach (all the microencapsulated Ascor products are developed and checked in Bertinoro plant, GMP certified for the production of veterinary medicines),integraded by continuous tests effectuated directly at universities and institute of research either in Italy and abroad.
Just to name a few, are products such as Overcholin 45% (choline chloride 45%), Overmet (methionine 40%, tested – with regard to the resistance to ruminal degradation – also in USA), or the mixture of organic acids (lactic, malic, fumaric, cytric) Lactiplus Coated, object, by the way, of a recent scientific study issued by the university of Sichuan (China).
A future with less antibiotic
Ascor can boast since quite a long time of a great attention for what is so-called “alternative” to antibiotics or nuceutrical products used to optimaze, as well as production, animal health.
Therefore the company (already among the leaders for national market of probiotcs, prebiotics, adsorbents of mycotoxins, minerals of high bioavailability) present once again in the headline with innovative products of natual origin, available both for livestock and feed industry, such as the Citrobex® line (bitter orange extract in liquid and feed formulation) and Ecotrofin®, available in 2 different formulation.
The buffalo line is born
Ascor has recently reinforced his presence to the centre-south regions of Italy with it’s dedication to a reneved attention to the buffalo sector, being part of a real zootechnical and productive renaissance. The Ascor technology and the buffalo market meet themselves in the field of a “buffalo line” able to provide products and services to the operator technologically more experienced as well.
It goes from the typical anymal feed mineral with ratio Ca/P 5:1, with the addition of vitamins and microincapsulated choline to modular products, such as Coated Mix Vigorsal 1-3, containing only macrominerals and trace elements, to Coated Mix buffaloes for dry period, complete with vitamins, in microencapsulated form which is our company trademark. Without ignore the probiotics such as Levurex Base, containing a selected strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae also approved by UE for the milk buffalo, the palm lipid fractionated by-pass (Ascofat) or the products at modulatory activity of the intestinal ecosystem (Ecotrofin®).